Monday, December 8, 2008

I had a very pleasant weekend. Much to my delight, Dom was feeling great on Saturday morning.

So, threw together some clothes and hit the road to Metairie.

Got to Linda's around 11 am. Watched my Crimson Tide lose, drank beer, chit chatted, had a lovely time.

Linda has a beautiful home. I was delighted for her.

Came home just in time for my Saints game. Again, Dom was feeling good, so we happily watched the game together.

Moving a little slow today.... alot of aches and pains..... for a change, I'm the one who doesn't feel so hot.

We've got a big week coming up. Prostate Biopsy on Wed., then Aredia infusion on Thursday. I've been slowly decorating the house, and looking forward to having our Christine and my brother Ric here for the holidays!

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