Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another Good Report and How to Make an Enemy

Hi gang- time to play catch-up.

Monday: Went in for bloodwork. Changed his scrip to 2.0 MG of coumadin. We were in and out of there in no time at all.

Tuesday: Hung out at home all day.

Wednesday: Chris joined us for a day in stupid Poplarville. It was wonderful to see my 4 kitties, fat and happy! The guys did a little shooting. Not much to report. Stopped at Double D Meats on the way home for sausage, snacks, etc.

Thursday (Today): Just returned from our appointment with Dr. Safah. She said that his bloodwork is "GREAT". He's doing "VERY WELL". She cut us down to only 1 visit per week starting next Tuesday!

She normally checks for a relapse at the 100-Day mark. She might do it earlier, as he's doing so well. She's also putting him back on Thalidomide for awhile.

Our visit ended on a bit of an emotional note.... We adore just about everybody at Tulane except for Dr. Safah's nurse, Olivia. She literally gave me a wave of dismissal last Wed, did not return a phone call on last Friday, and then did not return Monday's phone call regarding a different matter.

When she walked into the room, I had just told Dr. Safah that I had a problem with Olivia. When Olivia walked in, I said, "We're going to talk about YOU". I went on to give dates and instances.

I went on to say that this has been a very frightening experience, and it's very frustrating to not get calls returned, much less be given a wave of dismissal.

Olivia made excuses. I countered each one. Dr. Safah remained silent for a moment.

Then, Olivia said, "I didn't have the information that you needed, so there was no need to return your call.... it wouldn't have helped you, anyway". Smoke began pouring out of my nose and my ears. I said, "BULLSHIT!". Then Safah apologized, promised to keep the lines of communication open, blah, blah, blah. It was really good to get it off of my chest. Honestly gang, everyone knows us there.... everyone smiles...... we've become rather close...... except for Olivia. I hope she got ripped a new asshole when we left.

Dom still has no real appetite, occasional waves of nausea and no tastebuds. Doc suggested baked food. No more fried stuff. (Which is a bummer, as our patient has been enjoying grilled cheese sandwiches and fried egg sandwiches in recent weeks). Doubling him up on his Prilosec.

SO............. other than making a real enemy............ all is go according to plan. Again- if Doc is pleased, then we're pleased. Life is good, gang!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, Nan. Sounds good overall! I know it's frustrating when there are doctors/nurses not addressing your needs or dismimssing your questions. Good for you for speaking up!!! I want you in on my next doctor's appt for MJ ;) Hang in there Dom!!!
