Sunday, November 8, 2009

Horrid Week with Broken Hips, Nursing Homes, etc.

Hi gang.

This week was absolute fuckery.

Shortly after Joe left on Tuesday morning, the phone rang. It was an ambulance driver saying that Dom's mom had fallen down and she was being taken to the Louisiana Heart Hospital in Lacombe, LA.

Dom rushed over to find that she had shattered her left hip. The surgeon told him that it would be impossible to pin it, so she needed a hip replacement. At 95 years of age!!!!!

I met Dom at the hospital on Wednesday and gave him some powers of attorney and her living will. It was gloom and doom for us. I had alot of running around to do, so headed towards Poplarville.

They wheeled the old gal into surgery around 4:30 pm. The surgeon came out around 7pm, said that she was fine and that Dom should go home and get some sleep.

On Thursday morning, the two of us went to see her. She was smiling! Much to our astonishment, a physical therapist came in to get her out of bed. Sure enuf- she took a few baby steps and moved into a chair for 3 hours. The day after a hip replacement! Unreal. Modern medicine is absolutely amazing.

The two of us headed into Slidell to check out a nursing home for her 6-8 weeks of rehab. We were pleasantly surprised at the joint. Smiling old folks, no smell, seemed to be an OK place.

I had a quick doctor appointment in Slidell on Friday morning, then headed back to Metairie. On Friday afternoon, the hospital transported her by ambulance to her new place.

Just hung up the phone with Dom. He's on his way to visit with her, then finally coming back to the apartment for some rest. He wants me to join him tomorrow to talk with the physical therapy department. This has been quite the tiring week.

*******UPDATED AT NOON : They're transporting her back to the hospital today. Her nurse thinks that something's wrong with her hip/leg. I assume that she'll be seeing her surgeon on Monday. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH **************************

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