Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Time is FLYING.....

Hi gang-

All is well in Metairie/Poplarville. Been busy, busy, busy.

Sunday was a day full of football. My beloved Saints went 12-0 !!!! Lucky 13 coming up this Sunday.

Ventured into Sli-Dull on Monday. Spent some time with an attorney to open up "succession" of Mrs. M's estate. (probate). Went to the Rivershack on the way home to Metairie. Man, I LOVE that joint! I got a great cheeseburger and Dom had Red Beans and Rice served with a grilled chicken breast and nice little salad.

On Tuesday, Dom stayed busy on the phone with mom matters, I took off with Carmella for the day. That broad is the BEST shopper that I know! We braved Lakeside Shopping Center and had a marathon shopping day. Sweaters, great boots, "extreme skinny" jeans.... she picked out EACH one of my purchases. I probably would have walked out of there with nothing if I was on my own!

We went into PF Changs after shopping. Sat at the bar. Neat, neat place. We each had 2 bottles of beer, split an order of egg rolls and a "bowl" (picture a mixing bowl) of Won Ton Soup. Shrimp, chicken, water chestnuts, fresh spinach and won tons...good stuff! Walked out of there for about thirty bucks. Loved it. Too bad I'm leaving paradise soon. *pouting*

Today, I dropped Dom off at the Tulane Cancer Center. Went to the funeral home to pick up ma's ashes. (she will eventually be buried next to Dom's dad in Cleveland). I swung by an "urban" clothing store called "RAINBOW".... went NUTS.... loved the joint. I was the only white broad in the place. LOL. Walked out with a winter jacket, hot boots and a pair of leggings for 60 bucks.

Headed back to the Cancer Center to find that Dom was still waiting for his infusion..... they needed to check his bloodwork before administering any medicine. For months, he's had a monthly 2 hour drip of "Aredia".... (Think BONIVA, but 1000 times stronger). Today, they switched him to "Zometa", which is the same family of drugs, but only a 15 minute infusion. As it was, he was there for 4 long hours.

Having my hair done tomorrow (Carmella), and then the 2 of us are going out for a bite to eat.

Our apartment complex is having a Christmas Party with catered seafood on Friday. From what I've been told, it's something else. Looking forward to it.

Heading to Poplarville on Sat. morning for a couple of nights.

I'll say goodbye to Dom and this wonderful apartment on Thursday morning, as I'll be flying to Cincinnati to spend Christmas and New Years with my brother. Ahhhh, it's been a helluva neat place to live for 6 months! Feels bittersweet.

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