Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter Weekend and Beyond

Hello, gang....  

I wanted to share the fun Easter Weekend that we had with you.

We arrived home from the condo on Good Friday afternoon.  A couple of hours later, dear friend Dennis came over with the love of his life, Cheryl.  It was wonderful to finally meet her.  She and I hit it off immediately...we became fast friends.

They brought over huge pork chops stuffed with a seafood dressing.  The boys plopped 'em on the grill, while I whipped up some fresh Snow Peas from the garden, with sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds. 

On Saturday, our Chris came over.  When he arrived, the 5 of us headed to Crystal's Trip for a few beers.  Then, on to our favorite Chinese joint.  All you can eat plus Snow Crab Legs and Boiled Shrimp.  Nanette managed to embarrass not only her husband, but the other men at the table.  "Christ, Dominic!  Where does she put all of that food???  My God!!!".    *grinning*

Dennis and Cheryl headed back to Metairie, while Dom, Chris and I headed back to our place for more fun.

Easter Sunday morning, I made my traditional breakfast of creamed hard-boiled eggs and asparagus over English Muffins.

Dinner was great-  A nice kosher salt encrusted Standing Rib Roast that I had plugged with garlic  (a little too cooked for my liking, but the boys were delighted-  I like my beef to MOO at me).  On the side, I had a Spinach Souffle, Balsamic Carmelized Pearl Onions and Au Gratin Potatoes.  Chris brought cupcakes for dessert.  We had a lovely time.

Chris left on Monday morning, and yours truly went into a cleaning frenzy.  Dom's childhood best friend, "Big John" drove down from Cleveland on Friday.  The boys had alot of fun shooting pistols and rifles, reminiscing about their glory days and drinking beer.  He stayed until the following Saturday.

Dennis and Dom

Our Chris and The Dominic

Rib Roast in Bondage 

Ready for the Oven

"Big John and Nanette"
We now have our home back, and are enjoying our solitude....  for a couple days, anyway.... then LET THE FUN BEGIN AGAIN!!!!!  Happy Saturday, gang!


  1. Now I'm really hungry and it's only breakfast time here.

    Last year on holiday I ordered a combo starter as my main course and it turned out to be huge. So obviously it was a challenge not to lose face after the barman warning us that there was quite a lot. I managed almost all of it with a little help from B. A couple from another table came over as they were leaving and asked what I'd had and congratulated me on getting through it. :D

  2. I have already eaten breakfast and if ONLY a roast like that could be had here in the northern Andes (Colombia)!!! I yearned for lamb on Easter, but they don't have such creatures near here - four or five hour drive higher up - and cooler - than this place. I'm waiting for the day when your roast and Lorna's cheesecake can be transmitted over the internet!
