Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pics from the Past Week- Our Christine and Father's Day

An odd sunset looking EAST

Again, looking EAST

Amy's Babyback Ribs....marinated in booze, brown sugar, crushed pineapple among other stuff...yummy!

My new favorite salad.... barley, black beans,corn...onions...celery with a honey dressing served chilled

My new favorite dessert.... Blueberry Clafouti.  It's even fun to say!

Clafouti dusted with powdered sugar before serving

Hi gang.... happy Sunday!  Thought I'd post some pics from last weekend.  Our Christine and her boyfriend, Troy blew into town from Colorado.  They spent Father's Day Weekend with us. Did Chinese food and hit a bar on Saturday. Didn't do much on Sunday besides watch TV, BBQ and drink beer.  It was much too hot.  (Especially for the fair skinned duo).

I was tickled with a sunset this past week.  Normally, our pretty skies are to the WEST as the sun sinks.  This night, it was the EAST sky.  Really neat.


  1. Lovely, lovely sunset shots! But it was the babyback ribs that I slobbered over! And then I scrolled down and saw the blueberry dessert... sigh. Your cat's green eyes were intense - great pic!
