Friday, April 6, 2012

New Stem Cells Could Aid Transplant Studies

Researchers have generated a new type of human stem cell that can develop into numerous types of specialized cells, including functioning pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. Called endodermal progenitor (EP) cells, the new cells show two important advantages over embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells: they do not form tumors when transplanted into animals, and they can form functional pancreatic beta cells in the laboratory. 

This sounds promising.... jump here


  1. I think this study is completely inapplicable to myeloma and blood cancers generally. The stem cells in this study are directed to the endodermally-derived tissues. Blood cells are derived from the mesoderm - a completely different germ layer.

  2. Thank you for your critique....

    However, this blog has many readers who are not affected by Multiple Myeloma.

    Sorry if you thought that this blog was strictly MM directed.
