Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dom's Recent Hospitalization..... SALMONELLA

Hi gang-

We had quite the scare a few weeks ago.  Dom became violently ill a few hours after visiting our favorite Chinese buffet.

After a couple of days of diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and nausea, I took him to the closest ER.

Much to our surprise, they admitted him for "severe dehydration" and ran some tests.  Within an hour, they informed us that his kidneys were shutting down!  They called in a kidney specialist who ran further tests.

They got his kidneys functioning properly and pumped him full of fluids.

They sent him home on the 3rd day.  

Well, yours truly was scared to death.  MYELOMA!  It attacks the kidneys!  (I didn't tell him that, though).

The hospital called the next day to say that he tested positive for Salmonella..... Put him on CIPRO for 10 days.  

I never dreamed that the day would come when we'd be so happy for such a diagnosis!  *smiling*

He called the Health Department, and they were going to do an inspection.

We went in for a blood work follow-up today.  All is perfect!

I miss the Chinese Joint already!


  1. What a scare! I always worry about salmonella. It sounds miserable. I know what you mean about being "happy" about that diagnosis. When I was first sick, they diagnosed me with mesothelioma without much hope!! We were relieved to be diagnosed with myeloma!!!! It is all relative.

    Hope Dom is back to feeling well soon.
    Carole Leigh

  2. Thanks, Carole! He's back to his old self!
