Sunday, July 15, 2012

Monsanto is at it Again

 If you do not know who Monsanto is then here is a brief introduction. They are the makers of Round up, the world's deadliest herbicide. They also have their hand in the creation of 2-D-4, which is the chemical make up of what we know as Agent Orange. Agent Orange is a defoliator that was sprayed all over Vietnam and our soldiers. Today the Vietnam soldiers are dealing with multiple cancers and all sorts of disorders, illnesses and disease as as well as their children being born deformed. Monsanto owns the patent to the soybean seed, most of the corn seed, the cotton seed, the canola seed, the sugar beet seed and many more these days. That is because they are creating food in their chemical laboratory that is being approved left and right by the USDA, the FDA and the US Government.

 The term GMO's stands for Genetically Modified Organism. That is what Monsanto is doing to the seeds that is growing your food in their chemical labs. They are creating seed that grows crops that is immune to Round Up and now Dow's 2-D-4 chemical, that is because they want to be able to spray America's farmlands with Agent Orange and Round UP. You will be eating these altered foods, which have shown tremendous destruction of internal organs in lab mice and creation of diseases in humans that are running ramped now, such as breast cancer, brain cancer, organ failure etc. You can not wash the chemical off, it is embedded in the gene of the seed. You can not wash off the Round Up or any other chemical that is sprayed on crops totally because the roots drank the water that soaked up the chemical, it is in the plant, in the food.
There are nationwide reports coming out this year now that are talking about the disappearing of butterfly's, bee's, and other pollinating insects. This has been linked to Monsanto's new crops and the chemicals that are being sprayed on farmlands nationwide. If you do not already know, these are pollinating insects, if they all die there is no way for flowers to become pollinated which will result in the plants death. Garden flowers that are not pollinated will die and produce no fruit, I am an organic gardener that knows. Without these insects there is no food people. Their seeds and chemicals are creating weeds now that we can not kill as well. Super bugs (disease type) that we can not cure with any antibiotic.


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