Thursday, October 25, 2012

Genetically modified corn kills rats 2-3 times more often and more quickly

Researchers in France have found that feeding rats corn which has been genetically modified to be Roundup-resistant increases the number of rats who die and the rate at which they die in comparison to a control group fed non-GMO corn. This study is the first long-term GMO study of its kind having taken two years to complete, giving the rats a lifespan equivalent to 60 human years. The research will be published in the upcoming November issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology, available today Oct. 25.
In the two-year study, researchers fed rats a diet that consisted of either 11 per cent, 22 per cent or 33 per cent corn which had been genetically modified to be resistant to theMonsanto herbicide Roundup. They found that the rats who were fed the GMO diet died earlier and in greater numbers than the rats who were fed a normal, non-GMO diet.
The GMO corn appears to induce significant hormonal disruption in the rats.

1 comment:

  1. Then we should take all the GMO corn and send it to New York City and everywhere else that has huge rat problems. What a great solution. Who knew that GMO crops could stop those critters that carry so much disease and do so much damage.

    With all the GMO crops out here in the midwest, it is surprising that we still have plenty of mice and rats. LMAO

    And to think someone spent money on this study, where is the common sense?
