Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Dom's in a LOT of Pain

He had a full body bone-scan done a couple of weeks ago.  Images below are showing his "hot-spots".  Breaks, cracks or lesions.  It's showing the bones attempting to regenerate.

The first image below is untouched:

On this image I circled his "hot-spots":

We think that all of these broken ribs are a result of the 10 radiation blasts on his C-3 Disc.  They caused his throat to close up.  THEN the coughing began.

His ribs were already weak from lesions, and the coughing snapped them.

They did an MRI on his right hip after consulting an Orthopedic Surgeon.  The guy wasn't concerned that this would cause Dom to fall, as the hot-spot isn't in the socket of his hip.

We're guessing that it's a new lesion.

This goes on and on and on!  My guy is a "Hurtin' Little Cowboy", I'm afraid!

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